Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The One and beauty

Class this morning reminded me of a lesson in a previous philosophy class. I cannot remember who the philosopher was, but it was discussing form and reality in terms of the divine. Much like was said in the lecture, it was believed that art was a connection to the divine. This philosopher described every aspect of the visual world as a connection to the divine. For example, knowing the form, shape, color of a simple object like an apple has a divine aspect to it as well as a tangible physical aspect. I thought it was interesting the connection between these two classes and it made me think about how art can be divinely inspired. True beauty seems to come from some divine intervention according to Plotinus, which makes me think, is the beauty come from our perception, or can we see the true divinity in an object.

I understand that this post is a little scatterbrained and all over the place, so what do you guys think? is true beauty divinely inspired or not? What about secular views of art? Comment below! :)

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