Saturday, October 5, 2013

Authentic Works

Authentic works of art are held in higher regard than works of art that are mere copies of originals.  Why?  Mostly because we view it as a lack of originality, an incapability of producing ones own material, but the reason behind making a copy of an original also effects our view.  If someone copies an original merely for monetary gain, or for achieving a higher status in the art community, then we tend to look down on these individuals.
In my opinion, not all copies are bad...if they are made for the right reasons.  If they were made for the previous reasons listed, or similar reasons, then my view of these works is very judgmental.  This might be why I view "ready-made art" as a lower form of art, if it can even be called that.  Many artists pour their heart and soul into a work, and yet they are compared to works that can be grabbed off a supermarket shelf.
I do believe that there is a beauty in functionality, however it is not always on the same level as original works of art, and should maybe be regarded differently.


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