Sunday, September 15, 2013

Evolutionary Aesthetics

So we've heard Dennis Dutton's take on the subject of Evolutionary Aesthetics. To recap, Evolutionary Aesthetics is a collection of theories suggesting that aesthetic preference played a major role in our evolutionary ancestors' (homo sapiens) survival and reproductive success. For example, we saw that arrow heads were found that were not worn down from use, suggesting that they were possibly applied as ornament rather than a tool. These ornaments could then be used to win the affection of potential mates. This is but one example of how evolution could help us better understand why we find things to be "aesthetically appealing". What do you think? Do you agree or refute these ideas?

1 comment:

  1. An intriguing question. This is an area of aesthetics that is just beginning to be explored in detail. We will discuss this question again in the context of the question of whether non-human animals such as birds have aesthetic lives.
