I just wanted to make a quick remark on the piece by Marcel Duchamp called "Fountain". The work is just a urinal with "R. Mutt 1917" written on the side.
I would have to say that this ready-made is not artwork. Anyone who has ever had to clean a urinal does not find them to be beautiful. In fact, having to clean the men's restroom at work (after men get drunk at weddings and use the bathroom) has led me to find this piece utterly disgusting.
Well, I'm definitely glad that you have an opinion on the piece, because I think that was what Duchamp was going for when he created this ready-made. He wanted to inspire thought with his art, raising it to the level of philosophy. I believe that Duchamp wanted to challenge the public's common conception of art. An object that is normally seen as low in its natural habitat is elevated to a level of sacredness due to it's new (museum/gallery) surroundings; the urinal becomes a fountain.